Power BI: Visualizing A Construction Schedule Report

One thing that many people agree with is that the construction industry needs technology.

A messy and often chaotic industry, being organized and data-oriented can pay dividends.

From working with owner’s reps, to suppliers and city inspectors, there is a lot of data and tracking all of it can be simple enough.

I created an example project schedule dashboard that looks at Primavera P6 activities. Some of the metrics tracked include:

  • Critical finishes that pushed
  • Finishes pushed
  • The % of finishes pushed
  • Starts pushed

Using slicers, you can recreate some of these common reports that are used in weekly OAC meetings:

  • 3-week look-ahead
  • 6-week look-ahead
  • Critical activities
  • # of activities starting/finishing in the next week
  • In progress activities

Open the dashboard in a new tab: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzQ5ZDJlNTMtNjkzMi00MWZkLWEzNTEtODkxZTE3MzdiMWNkIiwidCI6IjcyN2VmOWY5LTc1YWQtNGFiMC1iNzg0LTdlNThiZDM5YjA5MSJ9